As an organization providing credit facilities Bauer’s Hardware Collections ABN 80 292 941 285 (“BHC”) is subject to certain legislative and regulatory requirements that necessitate it obtaining and holding detailed information that personally identifies you and/or contains information or an opinion about you (“personal information”).

Bauer’s Hardware Collections abides by the National Privacy Principles established under the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2001. A copy of the National Privacy Principles and our Privacy Policy is available by contacting BHC’s office. “I/We acknowledge that the information provided in this Credit Account Application (“Application” and accompanying Guarantee has been given to the Company for the purposes of its assessing the financial standing and credit worthiness of each of us and I/we:-

1. Authorise the Company to make any inquiries and obtain any information from bankers and business referees mentioned in this Application or from anybody else that BHC may reasonably consider necessary;

2. Have been informed by BHC in accordance with Section 18E(8)(c) of the Privacy Act 1988 that certain items of personal information about me/us (including an opinion) might be disclosed to credit reporting agencies;

3. In accordance with Sections 18H and/or 18K and/or 18L(4) of the Privacy Act 1988:-

(a) Agree to reports being given to BHC for the purpose of assessing this Application;
(b) Agree that BHC may use, for the purposes of assessing an Application for credit and any accompanying Guarantee, any information concerning my/our commercial activities or commercial creditworthiness obtained from a person or body carrying on any business involving the provision of information about the commercial credit worthiness of persons;
(c) Authorise BHC to exercise my/our rights of access to my/our credit information files and credit reports.

4. Agree that BHC may disclose and/or receive from any credit providers and/or credit reporting agency whether or not named in this Application any report or record or information that may have any bearing on my/our creditworthiness, credit standing, credit history or credit capacity for any of the following purposes:-

(a) The assessment of any Application by me/us for credit or commercial credit;
(b) To notify other credit providers of a default by me/us;
(c) To exchange information with other credit providers as to the status of my/our account when I am/we are in default with BHC or with another credit provider;
(d) To assess my/our credit worthiness or commercial credit worthiness at any time;
(e) To assess whether to accept me/us as an Applicant or to continue to supply credit to me/us.

5. Agree that BHC may disclose certain aspects of personal information to third parties for the purposes of debt recovery, commencement, or continuance of proceedings brought under the terms and conditions of the Application and any accompanying Guarantee, data analysis, or as outlined in BHC’s Privacy Policy.